
文章来源:弗戈工业在线 发布时间:2015-05-25

Miele德国美诺,始创于1899年,将 “追求极至、永不妥协”理念传承至今,110年来从未改变。在制药领域,美诺专注于了解用户最真实的需求,为用户提供最极致的洁净织物清洗方案和实验室玻璃器皿清洗解决方案。拥有百年衣物护理经验的美诺,将cGMP洁净区织物清洗风险防控至最低,为制药用户的精益求精贡献一份力量,为此我们倍感自豪。

Miele Professional定位

跨越一个多世纪,Miele Professional作为高端工业产品技术的专业品牌在整个国际市场已经位居领头羊的位置。 Miele Professional可以被称为是“最优质量、最精准、最可靠”的代名词,同时,它在制药领域建立高质量标准过程中担任了重要角色,定位于所有其他竞争者之上。



Miele非常自豪地成为世界上第一个获得环境标准DIN EN ISO 14001 证书的设备制造商。



Forever Better– for all our clients

Top quality is our guiding principle –Forever Better our common objective

No matter whether you are in the market for laboratory glassware for analytical experiments or whether you need a reliable supply of freshly laundered towels and bed linen for your guests: Our 'Forever Better' credo has been spurring us on to come up with the best solutions for our clients for more than 111 years and is a central theme governing all our actions. We at Miele are proud of being able to contribute towards your success - allowing you in turn to offer your customers the ultimate in goods and services.

A firm foundation – professional standards of cleanliness

For us, 'Forever Better' means tailoring our products to your needs. Sustainable, user-friendly and economical products are the subject of on-going development and improvement in a bid to meet even the most exacting of quality demands. Our power of innovation and our first-class service nicely round off the support we give to our customers.
