Bruce McDuffee,维萨拉生命科学事业部全球市场部经理

2012弗戈制药工程论坛演讲嘉宾之Bruce McDuffee,维萨拉生命科学事业部全球市场部经理

Bruce McDuffee,维萨拉生命科学事业部全球市场部经理

Bruce·McDuffee先生是维萨拉生命科学事业部全球市场部经理。维萨拉生命科学事业部提供用于制药,医疗器械,生物技术和相关的生命科学 产业中的调节和控制环境的测量,监控和验证的解决方案。 McDuffee拥有Northeastern University 国际管理和市场营销的MBA学位,以及土木工程学士学位。McDuffee先生担任讲师的湿度研讨会遍布整个美国和加拿大。

Bruce McDuffee,Global Marketing Manager, Life Science Division, Vaisala

Bruce McDuffee is the global marketing manager for the Life Science Division of Vaisala which provides measurement, monitoring, and validation solutions for regulated and controlled environments within the pharmaceutical, medical equipment, biotechnology and related life science industries. McDuffee holds a MBA degree in international management and marketing in Northeastern University - Graduate School of Business Administration as well as a bachelor of science in civil engineering. McDuffee teaches humidity seminars throughout the United States and in Canada.
